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How to solve any problem

The Persistent Nature of Problems

Problems, they’re a persistent part of our lives, aren’t they? Consider the problem that’s occupying your mind right now. It’s there, constantly, a background noise that doesn’t fade. It spirals, festers, and occupies more mental real estate than it deserves.

The Illusion of Complexity

Often, we believe that the complexity of our problems demands complex solutions. We ponder, weigh options, and imagine outcomes. Yet, the more we think, the less clear the solutions become. It’s like trying to grab mist – the harder you try, the more elusive it becomes. Some problems sting sharply but briefly, like a paper cut, swiftly resolved. Others linger, subtle and nagging, draining our energy and clouding our minds with frustration and anxiety.

The Challenge of People

And then, there are problems involving others – arguably the most complex of all. Miscommunication, differing agendas, and stubbornness add layers of complexity. These problems recur, a never-ending cycle of frustration.

A Simple, Yet Profound Solution

But here’s the thing: the solution to any problem lies in its simplicity. It’s not about adding more thoughts or complexities. It’s about shifting perspective. As Albert Einstein wisely said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.” Fourteen words that encapsulate a profound truth.

The Power of Different Thinking

To solve a problem, we need to step back and view it differently. It’s not about finding an immediate solution. It’s about changing the lens through which we view the problem. This shift in perspective is often all it takes to illuminate a path forward.

How to solve any problem? 4 Actionable Steps for Leaders

Embrace Diverse Viewpoints

Encourage a culture where different perspectives are not just tolerated, but actively sought. Invite opinions from team members of varied backgrounds and expertise. Often, a fresh pair of eyes can see solutions that are invisible to you.

Question the Status Quo

Regularly challenge existing assumptions within your team or organization. Ask “Why?” and “What if?” This fosters an environment where creative problem-solving thrives, and ‘the way it’s always been done’ doesn’t hinder innovation.

Encourage Open Dialogue

Create a safe space for open dialogue, where every team member feels comfortable sharing their thoughts without fear of judgment. This can unveil new angles to a problem that you hadn’t considered.

Reflect and Reframe

Take time to reflect on the issue at hand and actively attempt to reframe it. Sometimes, redefining the problem can lead to more innovative solutions. A shift in perspective can turn a challenge into an opportunity.


14 January 2024

2min read

Terez Rijkenberg

By Terez Rijkenberg